November 18 2018

What Should our Life Sound Like?

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Yesterday we talked about what our life should look like, today we will look at what it should sound like.  
The Word admonishes us to REJOICE ALWAYS.  
Rejoice is an active word- chairō- to rejoice, be glad, to rejoice exceedingly.  
When we are exceedingly glad, others around us should HEAR that!  
We should PRAY without ceasing!  
That doesn’t mean everyone around us should hear every prayer we say all day, but we should be in an attitude of prayer at all times; bringing ourselves, our situations and those around us before the Throne of Grace continuously. 
There should be a sound of pray surrounding us at all times!  
We need to be giving THANKS in everything! 
Everything is not good for us, but God will use all things and work them together for our good.  THANKSGIVING should be coming forth from our lips at all times!  
WHY should our life sound like REJOICING, PRAY, and THANKSGIVING?  
Because it is the will of God in Christ Jesus for us!  
And that is reason enough.  
Go forth today and let the sound of heaven go forth from your lips and your life!

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Posted November 18, 2018 by Laurie Hopkins in category "Uncategorized

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