When Too Many Voices Cause You To Miss The One That Matters

When Too Many Voices Cause You To Miss The One That Matters
It is a lovely sunny day here as I write –cold but sunny. There is something about the sun shining in the window that makes everything a little bit better, don’t you think? Well, it is that time again, there is a seat at the table waiting just for you. Grab your hot ________(fill in the blank), in your favourite mug and let’s have a chat about “When Too Many Voices Cause You To Miss The One That Matters.”
Let's Linger on Love
Before we get going on a new topic, I’m interested to know how everyone did with the last blog on love? February is the “season of love” and although the commercials are all nice and lovely, the reality of the “season of love” can look very different for all of us, depending on where we are in our lives. The truth about the love of Jesus, however, is that it is available to each one of us. Not only that, once we accept it, it can flow in and through us and overflow onto those around us (all of those around us) if we are willing vessels. February is almost over but the love does not have to stop – let’s linger on love this year!
Can You Have Too Many Voices?
We live in a world of many voices. More than ever before, people around us have the ability to speak into our lives. Technology, social media, our ability to travel easily from place to place, and our quick and easy access to information all contribute to this phenomenon. What happens when too many voices are speaking at once? Have you ever sat in a room full of people, everyone talking in small groups, all having different conversations? If you are in the right spot in the room you may be privy to one or more conversations at a time. The problem is when there is too much talking, not only your ability to focus is negatively impacted but also your ability to participate. How then do we know what voices to attend to?
What You Need To Know About The Loudest Voice
It is important to understand that not all voices are created equal. Sometimes it can be difficult to know when to listen and when to turn away. But it is important to understand that just because a voice is more persistent or speaks more loudly into your life, doesn’t mean it is the most accurate voice. The whole concept of marketing is about finding out what voices are going to best get your attention, in order to draw you into whatever that voice is selling, whether it is a product, a concept, or a mindset. So just because a voice seems on target, doesn’t mean it is speaking truth, it just means you were studied.
In A Multitude of Counsellors
Proverb 11:14 does say, “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” So, I’m not saying that we are not to listen to any of the voices we find speaking into and over our lives. But I am saying that wisdom dictates that we need to understand when to listen and heed and when to turn away. You can ask 5 people for an opinion or advice on something today and you will likely get 3-5 varying responses. How will you deal with that? Even more importantly, wisdom dictates which voices we need to control from speaking in the first place. There are voices we allow to speak into our life even though we know beyond a doubt that it will lead to confusion.
Does Every Voice That Speaks Have A Right To Speak?
We must remember, that just because people have the ability to speak into our lives,
does not mean they have the right to speak into our lives. How does that work? Voices speak. That is what they do. And because we live in a day and age when there is such free access to one another, the ability to speak is much easier. But at the end of the day, we must be clear, just because a voice speaks doesn’t mean we have to receive it. There are two main situations we find ourselves in with regards to the voices that speak into our lives: 1) the voices we have control over but don’t exercise control over, 2) voices that speak but are not in line with what we know to be truth.
When We Choose Not To Take Control
So, let’s talk about those voices we have control over but are not controlling. Why are we reading through online sales for things we know we don’t need and can’t afford. That voice has studied us inside out and knows how to speak persistently and loudly over us, why then are we opening up that door and allowing that voice to even speak? Why do we go back to the same people over and over again when we know that they only speak negativity into our lives. Why are we allowing negative, violent and ungodly messages into our hearts and our minds through the books we read, shows we watch and music we listen to? These are all situations in which we can control the voices that are speaking. Why are we choosing not to take control? It is time to cut those voices off!
When You Know The Truth And That Isn't It!
What about those voices that don’t line up with what we know to be truth? Step one is that we need to know what the truth is. How do we find that out? We need to be in the Word of God and we need to be in a relationship with Jesus, listening to His Voice. Step 2, then, is taking the time to take what we are hearing and compare it to the Word of God and what the Lord has already spoken to us. If it doesn’t line up, it isn’t truth. If it isn’t truth, why are we accepting it and going back for more? Why do we continue to listen to and seek out prophetic words that are telling us what we want to hear but that we know are not lining up with the Word or what God has already shared with us. Why do we accept words that are spoken over us and into us that we know go against the very thing the Lord has already spoken. It is time to step back and take back our right to receive or not receive what these, often random, voices are speaking over us.
Who Can Speak Into Our Lives?
Who, then, can speak into our lives? The short answer is, God. If we are in the Word and in relationship with the Father, then He will speak into our lives regularly. In John 10:27 Jesus says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. Now, having said that, God does speak to us through others in our lives. And that is ok. Again, wisdom must come into play. Does it line up with the Word and what I know God is doing in my life? Is it coming from someone you are in relationship with? Someone you trust? Someone who consistently speaks accurately into your life? Or is it coming from some random person we have never met before or who speaks often but inaccurately? When I take it to God, does He provide confirmation for me?
Too Much Noise Can Cause You To Miss The Truth And The Truth Giver
At the end of the day, too many voices can cause confusion. Confusion can lead you down rabbit trails you weren’t meant to be on, can cause a distraction and can even cause you to miss the truth altogether. But even more dangerous, is the fact that too many voices can cause you to miss the voice of the Truth Giver. Often times the many voices we hear around us will overpower the voice of truth, because they speak what we want to hear rather than what we need to hear. They are often that very persistent and loud voice. The thing about the truth is that it speaks, no matter what. The thing about the Truth Giver is that He loves us enough to speak no matter what – the difficult and challenging truth as well as the pleasant truth. In a world of many voices, don’t miss the One Voice that cares enough to speak truth into and over your life. Not only does He speak, He wants to be in a relationship with you. He is not speaking to sell you a product, a concept or a mindset. He is speaking to bring you into a relationship with Him and into eternal life. Are you ready to listen to Him today?
What I Know
Voice comes and voices go but the True Voice lasts forever. Jesus wants to speak into your life. He is waiting for a surrendered heart and a listening ear? Do you have both today? Then today is the day to cut out those other voices and began to focus on the voice of the Shepherd.
Until Next Time
Well, my friend, it is that time again. I don’t know about you but I find that our time together goes by so quickly, but nevertheless, I’m glad we had this time together. Stay well until we chat again. Sit in the sun for a bit and soak up some life!
Your Turn To Comment
There are several ways to participate in the blog this week:
1) share your word for the year if you haven’t already done so,
2) talk to us about the last blog on love –how loving are you – what areas of loving others do you need to work on?
3) chat with us about the voices that are speaking in society today
4) what voices do you need to cut off?
5) share what you would like to chat about at this table,
6) just share!
On the website, I have posted my word for the year and my Bible Verse for the year. I am planning for some changes to the site – help me out – what would you like to see on the website? Comment in the blog section.
Also, my new Lent Devotion has just released on Amazon. It is called A Walk Through Luke for Lent. It is a daily devotional for the Lent season. You can click here to get your Paperback or Kindle version.
If you are enjoying our time together – share the blog – there are options next to the comment section for sharing on Pinterest and Facebook and through email.
Remember that you can sign up to receive these blogs directly into your email. Click here to go to the website and then on the right-hand side of the screen, partway down, click on the subscribe link and follow the instructions. Invite your friends to do so as well!
Be In Touch
I’m at the kitchen table every day; drop by anytime for a chat! You can find me on:
Email laurie@lauriehopkins.ca
Professional Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/GodsWritingDancer/
Pinterest https://www.pinterest.ca/LaurieHopkins10/
Comment section at the end of each blog
Until next time,
From my heart to yours!