June 22 2020

When Grace Is Everything And Relationship Is Even More

The word GRACE in big letters

When Grace Is Everything and Relationship Is Even More

Hi there and welcome to the table  – if you are new here, grab a hot drink in your favourite cup and pull up a chair – we are happy you have joined us!  Today we are going to chat about “When Grace Is Everything And Relationship Is Even More”.

Upside Down

The world is upside down – yes, I said it! Of late, I do not really know what else to say.  I asked the Lord what to do in an upside-down world and He reminded me that the Gospel turns the world “upside-down”, so if it is upside down already, it is an opportunity to turn the world “right side up”. 

What Does That Look Like?

Although it sounded right, I was not sure how to get my head around it, so I asked the Lord – can you tell me what that looks like in this season?   And He gave me two words: Grace and Relationship.

What Is Grace Anyway?

What is grace anyway? Simplified, grace is unmerited favour.  Grace is favour we do not deserve. God’s grace gave us His Son, Jesus, when we were still estranged from Him.  God’s grace sustains us in the day-to-day, allowing us the confidence to get back up and keep going every time we fall or fail.  The wonderful thing about grace – it comes from a place of love, not condemnation.  Grace does not say, “because you don’t know better, I will show you favour”.  Rather, grace says, “because I have a heart for you because you are precious in the eyes of the Lord and therefore in my eyes, I will come alongside and not only show you favour in this instant, I will be favour for you”.  See the difference? 

What Does Grace Look Like?

We are living in unsettled times.  Every day, it seems, there is a new crisis or chaos. People are uncertain about, not only their future but for some, even their present. And it shows.  It shows in their words, their behaviours and their actions.


Grace, in this season, looks very much like coming alongside.  And coming alongside is another word for building relationships.

Relationship Is

Sometimes we get a bit stuck when we think of building relationships.  Our mind immediately goes to complicated, time-consuming activities with other people.  And to be quite honest, many of us are in a place ourselves, where we just do not have that in us.


I am here to tell you today that it does not have to be complicated and time-consuming.  Yes, relationships require time and effort, but as Christians, we were created to build relationships.


When God created Adam and Eve, He walked with them in the garden in the cool of the evening.  That is relationship.  When Jesus came He was surrounded by those that “followed” Him, but He took the time to choose 12 to “surround” Him.  That is relationship. In Acts we read that on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was given and received, they were all “in one accord, in one place (Acts 2: 1).  That is relationship.


Relationship is just being consistently present with others.  Not necessarily physically present, but visible in their lives.  It requires doing so in a genuine manner – not to say you did, for personal gain or because you have to, but because you want to.  Where does that “want to” come from?  It comes from a place of love.

Practical Christianity In 2020

We are called to grace and relationship in an upside-down world.  This is a season of opportunity.  We can open ourselves up to the Father and allow His love to touch our hearts, that our hearts, in turn, may touch the hearts of an upside-down world.


We need to move in love, not condemnation.  We need to respond rather than reacting to the words, behaviours and actions.  Responding is easier when we know ahead of time where we stand and in what vein we will answer.  Choosing to answer from a place of grace, in love, rather than condemnation is a solid foundation.  Then coming alongside and moving in relationship will be a natural response.


This is not the time to shrink back, isolate into our own little circles and protect ourselves.  This is the time to step out, reach out, build longer tables, and invite new friends to join us there.


Relationship does not have to be gathering people together in large groups, talking about touch issues and hugging everyone. It is more about checking on people, being genuine and listening and doing this in a consistent way.  No jumping in and out when you get busy or do not like what you are hearing.  Remember grace comes from a place of love, the love of the Father, not from a place of obligation or duty.  You cannot fake it until you make it – that hour has passed.  This is a new hour, where, in the midst of confusion, chaos and uncertainty, people are seeking solid, truthful, honest and consistent interactions with those that profess the name of Jesus. 

What I Know

No one promised it would be easy.  But we know without a shadow of a doubt that it will be worth it! We are those that profess that most precious name so let us commit to walking in grace and relationship in this season.  What a wonderful opportunity we have to turn an upside-down world back right side up.

Until Next Time

Well, my friend, it is that time again.  My cup is empty and it is time to go.  I love our chats together.  Remember, talking is two ways so take a minute and share your thoughts in the comment box.  I always love to hear from you!

Your Turn To Comment

As always, there are many ways to stay in touch.  I would love to hear from you!  Let me know how our chats around the kitchen table are going and drop a note about what things you would like to chat about.

Email  laurie@lauriehopkins.ca

Professional Facebook page  https://www.facebook.com/LaurieHopkinsthisisabundantlife/

Pinterest  https://www.pinterest.ca/LaurieHopkins10/

Comment section at the end of each blog

Until next time,

From my heart to yours!
