May 4 2020

There Doesn’t Have To Be A New Normal

sky rise with computer digits - new normal

There Doesn't Have To Be A New Normal

Hello, my dear friend.  How are you doing?  Really doing?  Not the “I am ok when I’m really not”, but the “I am ok, but this week has been tough in this way” doing. We are living in times we have never before experienced, so I thought this week we could talk about why There Doesn’t Have To Be A New Normal.  You know the process, grab your favourite drink in your best mug and sit with me for a few minutes. I love your company!

What Is Normal Anyway?

As countries, provinces and cities start to relax social distancing measures, we are hearing people talk more and more about “returning to normal”. I am sure it is meant as a reassuring phrase, but for some reason, when I hear that phrase, it makes me a bit unsettled.  I find myself asking, “What is normal, anyway?”  

Merriam Webster Online Dictionary defines normal as conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern (  When I visualize “normal”, I see boxes lined up in straight lines and predictable patterns.  Not necessarily a bad thing, or then again, is it?

When Our Normal Is Interrupted

Normal is generally comfortable, even in our discomfort, because it is familiar to us.  It may not be working for us in every facet, but at least we know we know what to expect and when to expect it.  We generally do not see anything wrong with our normal, until that normal is interrupted.  Then we begin to see the cracks and imperfections in the normal that we had created and were living. We are in a season when our normal has been interrupted and I would be bold enough to state that in the last few months the cracks and imperfections in what we were living as normal, have begun to show.

Opportunities to Shift

So what happens when we realize our normal may not have been as unflawed as we thought?  Out of this realization comes a perfect opportunity to shift.  Anytime there is change, there is an opportunity to take it a step further and make a shift.  We can let change happen to us or we can lean in, participate, be intentional and begin the process of shifting – greater change!  I believe that we are in a season where the opportunities for shifting are greater than anything most of us have experienced to date.

Living Outside the Box

Think for a moment about the last few months.  How have things changed in your life?  The way you do things?  How you understand things?  The actual things that you are doing?  What is different in this season?  Make a list.  I promise you, you will be amazed at how much change you are going through right now.  Now, how many of these changes are things that you said you would never do?  Perhaps things that had not even entered your mind?  Or even things you hoped to do, but never got around to?  Right now, whether you intended to or not, you are living outside the box of normal.  How does it feel?  A bit uncomfortable?  However, some parts of it are exciting as well?  If you could pick and choose through this experience, what parts would you keep and what parts would you discard? How much would it look like your old normal? 

Greater Than A New Normal

Many people are talking about a new normal.  When I visualize a “new normal”, I still see boxes lined up in straight lines and predictable patterns.  The boxes may be different colours or arranged a bit differently but they are still predictable. What if there was something greater than a new normal? 

Transforming Times

If we could get our minds around the fact that there is more to life than finding the place where we are comfortable, and then parking there.  When we learn to live and function in our discomfort, we will find the place where there is no new normal, but rather a place of transformation.  A place where we can react to change by shifting continuously, picking and choosing what parts to keep and what parts to discard, without waiting to be forced into this disrupted state by outside forces.  What if this is a transforming time? What if this is the season in which we will learn to stop striving for normal.  A reset season in which we begin to understand that there is more than normal; there is a way of life built around shifting despite the discomfort, lending itself to growth.  When I visualize growth, I see a variety of colourful shapes, constantly moving in and out of beautiful patterns. Sounds more fun than normal!

What I Know

These are unusual times.  They have not been easy for many of us, but that does not mean we have to settle for normal or even a new normal. As many are moving back to their previous normal or working to create a new normal, we have the opportunity to choose to shift.  We can sit and reflect on what this experience has been like for us.  What have we learned?  List those things that are working. Make note of those things that have not worked.  Now, what do we need to do to sustain what is working and change what is not?  It does not matter that others’ are striving for normal or new normal or what that looks like for them.  Despite the discomfort of this season, you can choose to shift and grow.  Transformation is the greater normal!

Until Next Time

Well, my friend, that is all the time we have for today.  So happy to have had time to sit and chat around the kitchen table.  Stay safe and take the time to do some reflecting before moving on to a new normal. Do not miss this opportunity.

Your Turn To Comment

As always, there are many ways to stay in touch.  I would love to hear from you!  Let me know how our chats around the kitchen table are going and drop a note about what things you would like to chat about.


Professional Facebook page


Comment section at the end of each blog

Until next time,

From my heart to yours!



January 13 2020

When We Want Fairness But Really Need Grace –When Mindsets Need to Shift

blue cup of decorated coffee and book on table - community

When We Want Fairness But Really Need Grace –When Mindsets Need to Shift

Hello, my dear friend.  So happy to see you back at the table for a chat.  Last time I asked you to share your word for the year.  We got some good words:  expectancy, prayer, “make room at my table”, consistency, trust, “no more walls”.  What a great start to the year! If you weren’t here last time, feel free to join us and share your word for the year in the comment section below the blog.  I am excited to see what God has in store for all of us and we move in 2020.  So, grab your warm cup of something and choose a chair.  This week we are going to talk about When We Want Fairness But Really Need Grace: When Mindsets Need to Shift

It Is Time To Shift Our Thinking

I believe that 2020 is a year in which we need to shift our thinking.  I think that we so often get caught up in our mind “habits” that we miss out on seeing things in a new and refreshing way.  This week I would like for us to consider “What if there is something better?” with regards to 3 mindsets or ways of thinking, that I believe need to switch in 2020. 

Matthew 20


Early last week in my devotional time, I was reading in Matthew 20.  I read the story of the landowner who went out into the market at various times throughout the day and hired men to go and work in his vineyard.  At the end of the day when it was time to receive their pay, we read the following:

So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.’ “And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius. “But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius.

“And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner, “saying, ‘These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.’

“But he answered one of them and said, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? ‘Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. ‘Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’

So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen. Matthew 20:8-16 (NKJV)

Fair is Fair

From an early age, we teach about fairness.  We believe that fairness is the king of the playground; and if we only applied it to the world around us as we grow from children to adults, then everything will be ok. When I think of the word fair I think of the word deserve.  If things are fair, I am getting what I deserve and you are getting what you deserve.  Therefore, when we fight for fairness, what we are fighting for is what we deserve.

When I Get What I Deserve But Someone Else Gets More Than They Deserve

balance scales - more, better

Let’s look at this more closely. When we read the Biblical account above of the workers in the vineyard, we see that the landowner was accused of not “playing fair” when paying the workers.  Those who were hired early in the day complained because those that were hired later in the day received the same amount of pay.  But when we look more closely we see that those who complained actually got what they deserved – they were paid according to what they were promised.  Therefore, we could say their pay was fair.  They were paid what they deserved. The problem comes when the workers who started later in the day got more than they deserved. So the question of fairness is no longer about me getting what I deserve, it is also about others getting what they do not deserve.

What If There Is Something Better?

What if there is something better than fairness?  Sometimes we really don’t deserve anything at all?  What if in those moments, we were treated with grace? Grace is defined as favour.  Favour, unlike fairness, is independent of what you deserve.  In the above account, those workers who got paid for the day and only worked part of the day received favour.  Grace was shown to them.

What if we fought for grace rather than fairness?

What if we shifted our mindset to be content when we get what we deserved without looking at what other people are getting?  That would require being able to rejoice when others prosper.

Rejoicing In The Prospering Of Others

We are often taught, subtly or not so subtly, to look out for our own interests.   This mindset comes from a spirit of lack.  We often operate from the belief that there is really not enough to go around.  Therefore, if you have something, there will be less for me.

What If There Is Something Better?

What if there is something better than operating out of a spirit of lack?  What if we understood and truly believed that our Heavenly Father owns the “cattle on a thousand hills” (Psalm 50:10)?  What if we could get our head around the fact that Jesus came, not just to save us, but so that we would have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10)? There is no lack in either of those statements.  Yet, we often live from a place of lack.  When we begin to live from a place of “there is enough to go around”, we will find that we are more able to rejoice in the prospering of others.  We will know we have reached that place when we get what we deserve, or not, and the person beside us gets grace or favour and we are able to rejoice alongside them.  


sneakers going up stairs - excel

We are also taught in life to excel.  To aim high and work hard and become all you can be.  Unfortunately, over time, our concept of what it looks like to excel has changed.  It is no longer work hard, use the gifts you have been given, and be the best you.  Excelling has come to mean fame, fortune and notoriety. It involves rising as far to the top as you can all the while comparing yourself to those around you.

What If There Is Something Better?

At the end of the above parable, Jesus ends with the “lesson” for His disciples. “So the last will be first, and the first last.” (Matthew 20:16) Kingdom principles are different than the mindset of the world. In the Kingdom, the goal is not always rising to the top.  We can excel in our lives by being obedient to the path the Lord has for us, living our best lives and still never achieve fame, fortune or notoriety.

What if we shifted our view of excelling?  What if we choose to excel from a place of serving and obedience and allowed God to raise us up in due time.  It would allow for grace instead of fairness, stop us from comparing ourselves to one another, and allow us to truly rejoice when others are prospering.

There Is Something Better

Grace is better than fairness.

Rejoicing in the prospering of others is better than looking out only for our own interests.

Excelling from a place of serving is better than seeking fame, fortune and notoriety.

What I Know

optical illusion - mindset shift

I know that mindsets can be difficult to shift.  Recognizing that we need to shift is the first and most important step.  Are you ready to make a shift in 2020?  Let’s commit to doing this together this year.  There is no need for anyone of us to float on our own.   There is grace at this table.  And there is freedom to be the real you, not the you that you feel you have to put out there.  Peel off the mask and put it on the table.  Think about which of these three mindsets you would like to work on.

Until Next Time

yellow daffodils on table - community- welcome

Well, my friends, my coffee cup is empty and the kitty cat is clamouring for some attention.  Thanks so much for coming to the table.  I value your presence, your commitment of time and your thoughts.  This year I would love it if everyone would commit to taking a few minutes to share in the comment section of the blog after reading it. Let’s build a community that can chat, encourage and share with one another. Thanks to everyone who took the time to share their word for the year.

Your Turn To Comment

There are several ways to participate in the blog this week: 

1) share your word for the year if you haven’t already done so,

2) comment on some of the other words that were shared (they are in the first paragraph of this blog),

3) talk to us about today’s blog – what do you think about the 3 mindsets we talked about (fairness vs grace, looking out for oneself vs rejoicing in the prospering of others, excelling for fame, fortune or notoriety vs excelling in serving)

4) share which mindset you would like to tackle first,

5) share what you would like to chat about at this table,

6) just share!


On the website, I have posted my word for the year and my Bible Verse for the year.  I am planning for some changes to the site – help me out – what would you like to see on the website? Comment in the blog section. 

Be In Touch

I’m at the kitchen table every day; drop by anytime for a chat! You can find me on:


Professional Facebook page


Comment section at the end of each blog

Until next time,

From my heart to yours!



September 2 2019

Why You Need To Take Courage When You Know The Shift Is Coming

courage, shift

Why You Need To Take Courage When You Know The Shift Is Coming

There are days when we know that we know that we know that things are on the cusp of changing.  In my experience, those can be the longest, most trying days.  Today, let’s spend some time and chat about why you need to take courage when you know the shift is coming.


Checking In

How are things with you?  I wish we were closer so we sit and have a cup of tea together and have a chat. But since we are not, why don’t you grab a cup of something warm and comfortable in your favorite mug, and we can chat this way. Go ahead; take a few minutes for you.  I’ll wait right here for you!  You’ll feel refreshed and ready to go again when we are done!

Change vs Shift

dynamic, courage, shift

Sometimes you just know there is a change coming.  It may be a change you are excited for; or perhaps a change that you are not really looking forward to. Regardless of your disposition toward it, change can be challenging. One Merriam Webster definition of change is: to make a shift from one to another. (Merriam-Webster, 2019, retrieved from I like that word, shift.  It is, to me, a more active and dynamic word than change.  When I think of change I think of something that is happening to me, with or without my agreement and/or effort. A shift, however, leads me to think of something that is going to require effort on my part and, ultimately, is going to lead to growth. It generally requires digging deep for and/or developing a whole new set of skills. Shifts take us out of our comfort zone.  They require that we move and think in a different way.  And if we lean into the shift, we will meet the possibility of revolutionary change in our lives. We can decide if those things that are moving in our lives are changes or shifts.  Will we let it happen to us or will we be playing an active role?  Change vs. Shift! 

How long, O LORD?!

Sometimes we know we are on the cusp of a shift.  We can sense it.  We can see it coming.  But the time has been long and although we know it is near, we can’t determine exactly when or how it will come.  We grow weary and a bit frustrated in the waiting; the going through. David in Psalm 13:1 cries out, “How long, O LORD?”  He knows he has been anointed King, but he is still running from his enemies.  He knows the shift is coming.  How often have you cried out, “How long, O LORD?” as you see the shift in the distance?

The Courage Of Waiting For The Shift


So what happens when we are on the cusp of the shift, crying out “how long?”

What happens when the weariness and the frustration kick in and threaten to distract us and throw us off track?  That is the time for courage.  Merriam-Webster defines courage as mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty (Merriam-Webster, 2019, retrieved from 


Courage Defined

Courage, like shift, is an active word.  It requires us to “venture” which means to proceed especially in the face of danger. (Merriam-Webster, 2019, retrieved from

It requires that we dig in and find our mental and moral strength and then push ahead towards the shift, even in the midst of the danger, fear or difficulty we are encountering.


Courage requires that we make a decision to stay the course.  We know the shift is coming.  We know that we know that we know.  Now we need to commit to staying the course.

Final Push Courage

last push courage- shift

There is courage and then there is “final push” courage.  Courage is what allows you to stay the course through the change and through the shift.  “Final push” courage is that courage that allows you to lean in, lean forward and give it your all at that point when you feel like you have nothing left to give.  When you have been moving toward the shift for some time and you know you are on the cusp, but you can’t quite see it because of the weariness that clouds your vision and you can’t hear it coming through your own cries of “How long, O LORD?”. But, you know that you know that you know, without a shadow of a doubt that you have come this far and you are going to go the distance. This is “final push” courage. It is the courage that mothers have as they are about to deliver their baby.  Long-distance runners and athletes dig in and find this kind of courage when the finish line is close enough to almost touch. And we, every day we, find this courage when we are weary and frustrated but know that we have come too far to give up now and miss out on the shift.

What I Know

You've Got This

Are you on the cusp of a shift today?  Can you see it, wavy like a mirage in the heat of the desert sun? I can’t tell you how to make it come more quickly.  And I can’t tell you how to make it easier.  But I can tell you that you’ve got this.  You are full of courage.  You’ve come this far, engaged in the change and moved toward this shift.  You have been practicing your courage.   And that tells me that you have “push courage” deep down inside of you. Now, you just have to reach in, a little deeper, a little deeper still, and pull it out.  Make up your mind on this one – you have come too far and you are not going to stop now.  I believe in you! 

Until Next Time

Well, it is that time again.  My cup is empty and I know you have to get back to the things you were doing.  I’m so glad you sat with me for a bit and that we had this little chat!  I so enjoy our times together.

This week, dig a little deeper.  I know it is hard.  I understand that you are weary and frustrated.  I also know that the shift is coming and when it comes it will take you to levels and places that you never dreamed of!  I’ll be your cheerleading squad on this end, pointing you toward that finish line and reminding you of the importance of finishing strong.  “Push courage” is not for the faint of heart.  It is for those who have chosen to shift rather than just change. 

I Would Love To Hear From You!

lean in, hold on, encourage one another

Drop a note in the comments section below.  I would love to hear from you!  Be in touch and share your experience with change and shifting.  Let’s take this space and make it a place to share and encourage one another to lean in and find our “push courage”!


If you are interested in more Devotional reading, head over to my Facebook Page where you will find a Weekly Devotion early every Monday morning. Click here to go directly to Weekly Devotions with Laurie.

Until next time,

From my heart to yours!

