When We Allow A Virus To Contaminate Our Witness

When We Allow A Virus To Contaminate Our Witness
Hello my dear friend, so nice to have you back at the table. Grab a hot drink in your favourite mug and let’s have a heart to heart. This week I want to take us on a bit of a “touchy” journey – but a journey that I believe we need to go on, regardless. This week I want us to sit down, get comfortable and go deep while we talk about: What We Allow A Virus To Contaminate Our Witness.
When You Wait Upon The Lord
This blog was supposed to be released on Monday morning, but late Sunday evening, when I still did not have a clear topic, I knew I needed to stop and take more time to listen carefully for what God had for us this week. I waited Sunday evening and Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday. Still nothing. Sure, I had a few potential topics, but nothing that grabbed me or felt relevant for this point in time. This morning (Thursday), I woke up and I knew that it was time to share the things that have been on my heart for the last few weeks. There are times in our lives when we are called to have the tough conversations. To say those things that may or may not be popular but that need to be released into the atmosphere. This is the day for that type of conversation, so stay with me until the end and let’s do this together.
Speaking Truth As The World Spins
These days, the world seems to be spinning out of control. On Social media, traditional media, conversations in the grocery store with strangers and around the kitchen table, there is a sense of unease and unrest in the air. There is an overriding feeling that things are fraying at the edges and about to let loose. So let me get right to the point. Today, I want to talk about Covid-19 (coronavirus) and how we, as Christians, are dealing with the current situation.
Let me start by saying, I am a Registered Nurse, a health care worker, who fully understands and appreciates how viruses work, spread and contaminate. I am also a Christian, who believes in the Hand of protection of my God in my life and that ultimately God is in control. There is no but here because I truly believe that these two belief systems do not contradict one another and that there is a balanced spot in the center where I can speak intelligently and compassionately from either position.
Grace For All
Furthermore, let me be very clear at the very beginning of our conversation – this blog does not come from a place of judgement, but rather from a place of grace. As a Christian, who is also an educated Health Care Professional, I feel that I have a responsibility to speak truth when I see that there is a need. I take that responsibility very seriously. It is, however, done from a place of concern and a desire to see Christians walking in love and truth, always being mindful of the witness we are called to set forth.
Set Apart In The World
As Christians, we are called to be set apart in the world. Not because we are better, not because we have more knowledge and wisdom, but because we have Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is doing a new work within us. That new work, in time, will cause us to look, act, speak and relate differently than those around us. We are called to live and interact with others in such a way that others see Jesus Christ in us.
Faith And Wisdom
Faith and wisdom must coexist in our Christian walk. One does not contradict the other. Faith tells me that Jesus has placed a hedge of protection around me, wisdom tells me not to walk out in front of a moving vehicle. Don’t let anyone tell you that if you are walking in faith, wisdom goes out the window. The Father has given us brains and knowledge and life experiences, which all come together to form the wisdom He has for us. He also leads us in wisdom by His Holy Spirit. Faith is not equivalent to recklessness. Faith is the foundation from which we employ the wisdom the Lord has imparted to us. Faith is not a place of refuge from which we engage in unwise and reckless behaviour, putting others and ourselves at risk and expecting that God will protect us anyway. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, the devil told him to throw himself down from the pinnacle because the Word said that the angels were given charge over Him. Jesus’ response was, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the LORD your God.’ ”
Fear And Healthy Respect
In the same way that faith and wisdom work hand in hand, fear and healthy respect also walk hand in hand. We are frequently told in the Word, “Do Not Fear!” We are to walk in faith and trust that the Lord is in control. Walking without fear does not mean, however, that you walk without a healthy respect for those things that can cause injury or damage in your life or the lives of others. Again, one does not walk in front of moving vehicles because they are not fearful. Walking in faith, rather than fear, comes from the fact that Jesus Christ lives in us and knowing that ultimately, the Father is in control. It does not give us liberty to be reckless.
Grace Vs. Judgement
We are not called to judgement but to have grace. We were once in the same place that those in the world around us are in currently. “Oh, but for the grace of God go I.” However, for some of us, we have forgotten what that part of our journey was like and we have become hardened to those around us. We cannot “imagine” how people could think or act that way. The truth of the matter is that we often thought and acted that way in the past. The bigger truth is that some of us are still waging a war within us between thinking and acting that way rather than the way Christ has called us to think and act. Our judgement often comes from a place of trying to make ourselves feel better about where we find ourselves. We are called to have hearts of flesh and not hearts of stone. We are called to compassion for those around us. Compassion calls for grace, not judgement. Compassion calls for us to ask, “What do I have to offer”, rather than, “I can’t believe they are like that”. Ultimately, what we have to offer does not come from us, but from the peace, love, and redeeming grace of Christ that was strong enough to save and change us and can save and change them too!
Understanding Hoarding
Sometimes we just need to pause and try to understand why people act the way they do. Let’s talk about the hoarding that is going on. People are hoarding toilet paper- even though this virus is primarily a respiratory concern. They cannot keep hand sanitizer on the shelves when all you really need is to wash your hands properly with soap and water. There is not a mask to be found, even though the fact of the matter is, regular masks will not keep the virus out. Hoarding behaviour of these particular items does not make any sense – and it causes more panic and shortages of items that others could be using. It seems absurd. So what is the Christian response to this? First of all, stop hoarding! Secondly, understand that hoarding behaviour is triggered by fear. Fear of not being able to get items one needs, fear of being quarantined to home, fear of lack of control. How do we combat fear? By sharing our faith. How do we share our faith? With compassion, not judgement. Talk to people, find out what it is that they are fearful about and begin to share the love of Christ that overcomes all fear with them. Practically, reassure those around you that they will not be left stranded, that you and others in your Christian community will be God’s Hands extended and then follow through on that promise.
Back To Wisdom
Back to wisdom, hoarding is the unnecessary collecting of items – stocking up appropriately on items that you may need if you contract the virus and need to be quarantined for a period of time, or if you are unable to get out in public for some time, or in the event the supplies are not as plentiful, is wisdom. There is a balance and as Christians, we need to find it, find it quickly and begin demonstrating it to those around us.
They Are Watching Us
The world is watching us. We claim to have something they need, so they are watching to see what that looks like in our day-to-day lives. They do not want to see Christians hoarding items, they do not want to see reckless behaviour, and they do not want to see nonchalance when the situation requires vigilance. They want to see calm, composed, wise decision-making and to hear encouraging words of compassion. When the world begins to see that we are walking in faith, not fear, balanced with wisdom and compassion, it will be at that point that they see that we really do have something they want and need. Until then, we are doing nothing but damage to the witness of Christ in our lives.
Are You Anointed For That?
A quick comment about some of the Facebook posts that are going around about people moving in great faith into areas where the virus is rampant and being protected. I do not disagree that this can happen. However, I want to point out that not everyone is anointed for that. There is an anointing of protection that goes beyond our ability to understand when individuals or groups are called to a certain calling. If God has placed that on you, in your spirit and your heart, then move in it. He is faithful. Life must go on, healthcare workers and other essential workers are endangered every day because of their call to the work they have chosen, but they are moving forward using wisdom and all the protective processes and equipment that are available to them, fully aware of the risk involved. Pray Psalm 91 over yourself, your family, your work, your day-to-day life, but do not walk recklessly. Use the wisdom God has given you.
Practicality For The Win
So what does this all look like in our day-to-day walk? A few things we need to be mindful of:
1) Stop posting inaccurate information on Social Media. Check your sources; make sure they are reputable and scientifically accurate. All we are doing is increasing the fear and confusion in the general population by spreading inaccurate and unnecessary information. Just because it is online does not mean it is true.
2) Stop fear-mongering. Telling the world (especially via disconnected means like social media) that the end of the world is near is not helpful. If you are concerned about their salvation, because you truly believe we are in the end times, then have genuine and compassionate conversations, in person, with those individuals. Make a real difference in their lives, do not just be a noise in the atmosphere.
3) Stop posting judgmental comments on Social Media. We are trying to win the world for Christ, not push them away. When non-believers witness our lack of compassion for them and each other, it turns them away. That includes political comments, comments on Covid-19 and your differences of opinions. If you are going to share on your beliefs, do so in love and compassion, strategically and constructively.
4) Be positive, but realistic. There should be no extremes in our views at this time in the world. Comments that “everything is a hoax and we really are all ok” are no more helpful than commenting, “everyone is going to die”. Find your balance – offer hope to a world that is fearful and looking for control. We claim to have that hope in Jesus – so demonstrate it and share it.
5) Be the witness you are called to be. Posts on Social Media that indicate that people are more afraid of a virus than the rapture are not helpful. People are afraid of what they see in front of them – right now, they see a virus. Many people do not even know what the rapture is, let alone to be afraid of it – because we, the Church have failed to share the Word of God and the hope and redemption of Christ with those around us. Vague posts on Social Media are not the way to be the witnesses that Christ called us to be. Put-on the compassion of Christ, get in relationship and share what Christ has done in your life – that is a true witness.
6) When in doubt, do not hit the button. Social media can be especially damaging. It is easy enough to hit the post button and share it without thinking it through first. It is also easy to get caught up in the emotions of the moment and share without checking with the Holy Spirit first. It is helpful? Is it needful? Is this the right time? Is this the right platform? Is this something that needs to be shared in a less disconnected way? What is the tone? How will it be understood?
It Isn't All About Us!
We must be concerned about our witness and whether or not our actions are a stumbling block or offence to another. We may be walking in liberty and faith but at the same time we need to be aware of what our actions look like, are perceived like and how they are influencing those around us. “But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak.” 1 Corinthians 8:9
Practically, you may feel confident that you can survive the virus even if infected. However, I would caution you, it is not just about you. It is about those that you may infect in the process and put at risk – those who are not walking in faith and/or are physically unable to fight such a virus.
As Christians, it is never really about us. It is about being Jesus to the world.
So Where Do We Go From Here?
So where do we go from here?
Your first responsibility is to strengthen yourself in the Lord. You will be of no benefit to others if you are not strong yourself. Get in the Word, go to pray, spend time with the Father, hear what it is He is speaking in these times, fellowship with other believers, encourage one another.
Take measures to protect your physical health. Make sure you have essential items on hand (not enough for the next 2 years, but a supply that is sufficient to carry you if you had to miss going out for groceries for a week or 2). Wash your hands regularly and well. Stay home if you are sick. Excuse yourself from gatherings where others are sick. Eat well, get enough rest, and get some exercise and some fresh air to help maintain your immune system.
Be mindful of your witness. Watch the words that you speak and that you type. Do your words show forth love, compassion, encouragement and empathy, and the hope of Christ? If not, they need to change. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”(Proverbs 18:21) Pray, pray, pray. Pray for those who are fearful, are sick, are looking for something more. Encourage one another and hold one another accountable. Speak the truth, but do so in love and with the right motives.
Practically, figure out where you can be of assistance in this time of need. Do those around you need practical help? Meals prepared, groceries picked up, financial support, a ride to the hospital or clinic? How can you as an individual and you as a Church body, reach out and meet the needs that are currently in your neighbourhood or among your family and friends? This is not a time to hide out in your house while declaring that you are full of faith and protected. Use wisdom and serve where it is safe and wise for you to do so.
What I Know
I know with all my heart that the Lord is in control. I seek each day to walk in such a way that my actions are not seen as reckless but wise in the eyes of the Lord. I seek to have a heart of compassion, at all times, for those around me. I am not perfect, any more than anyone else is, but I do my best to be a good witness by openly and willingly sharing what the Lord has accomplished in my life, with others. I want nothing more than to be the hands of Christ extended and to be a vessel of His love and compassion and grace in the earth.
Until Next Time
Well, my dear friend, my cup is long since empty and it is time for me to go for now. I am so happy you joined me at the table today. As always, it has been a pleasure to sit and share with you.
Your Turn To Comment
As always, I love to hear from you – be sure to join in on the conversation by adding your comments in the comment box below.
BE In Touch
I am at the kitchen table every day; drop by anytime for a chat! You can find me on:
Email laurie@lauriehopkins.ca
Professional Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/GodsWritingDancer/
Pinterest https://www.pinterest.ca/LaurieHopkins10/
Comment section at the end of each blog
Until next time,
From my heart to yours!
How Do I Love Thee – When We Realize Our Definition Of Love Is Not Enough

How Do I Love Thee – When We Realize Our Definition Of Love Is Not Enough
Hello my dear friend, welcome back to the table! It is hard to believe it has been two weeks already. What did you think about the Way of Community that we talked about last time? If you missed our last chat, you can click here to read it and have a chance to comment. This week at the table, I want to talk about love. Specifically, How Do I Love Thee – When We Realize Our Definition Of Love Is Not Enough. Grab your favourite mug and something to drink and grab a place at the table! There is room for everyone!
How Do I Love Thee?
I believe that if you asked most individuals, they would indicate that they consider themselves loving people. My question today is how does our love measure up? What does loving others look like to us? If we are really honest with ourselves, how are we doing with loving all those around us?
How We Have Romanticized Love
Our society has done us a great disservice in how it portrays love. First off, society has demonstrated an unbalanced focus on “romantic” love while ignoring the love we are called to for all those around us. Secondly, the focus that society does put on “romantic love “has become completely commercialized. The more money we spend on fancy dinners, flowers and expensive jewelry, and the more you look longingly into another’s eyes 24 hours a day, the more in love you would appear to be. Society has sold us a concept of love that is unrealistic on two fronts and most of us have bought it, hook, line and sinker.
So Where Is The Love Now?
Although there is a time and place for flowers, nice dinners and gifts, when we buy into this overly commercialized and romanticized concept of love, it can have a negative impact on our ability to love both others and ourselves. What if you are not getting flowers and fancy dinners and expensive gifts – does that mean you are not loveable? When was the last time you gazed longingly into the eyes of your spouse all day? Not so realistic, right? Society tends to amp up the social expectations of love and then when we do not meet those expectations we can begin to doubt that we are loveable or that we are able to love others to the degree that they need to be loved. Unmet expectations, no matter how unreasonable they are, can cause discontent and unhappiness in relationships. So where is the love now?
We are called to love each other, not just our spouse. When we get 100% caught up in loving one person, our focus becomes narrow and we tend to lose sight of the fact that there are people all around us that we are called to love as well. So where is the love now?
Where Do We Get Our Direction?
If we don’t look to society to tell us about love, where do we get our direction? We look to the Word. As Christians, we are called to love as God loves.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. John 13:34
When we think about what loving others and even ourselves, looks like, we need to be measuring our love against that of God, not against societal expectations.
How Does God Love?
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
God sent His only begotten Son into the world for us and He did so while we were still sinners, still estranged from Him. He did not wait until we “straightened up”. He saw us just as we were and where we were. He met us there and loved us enough, even then, to make a way of restoration for us. He has compassion and that stirred up mercy and grace towards us.
The Example of Jesus
How did Jesus love?
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:34-35
You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. “For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. John 13: 13-15
Seek the Will of the Father
“I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me. John 5:30
Keep Commandments
If you love Me, keep My commandments. John14:15
For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. I John 5:3
Love Without Expectation
Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do. Luke 23:34
He loved with no expectation of love in return. Even on the cross, He prayed for those that crucified Him.
Who Did Jesus Love?
Who Did Jesus love? He loved the sinners, the tax collectors, the prostitutes-those that the religious elite of the day had no time for. Repeatedly, in the gospels, it indicates that He has compassion on the people. All the people, not just the people He liked, who were like Him, or who were in the Church of the day – He loved all the people.
What Does Love Really Look Like?
- Compassion
- Stick with it through thick and thin – love is not a throw-away thing, it is a work-on-it activity
- Consideration in the little, everyday things
- Think of others before ourselves
- Love with no expectation in return
- Love the unlovable (everyone is loveable because of their inherent worth as created beings)
- Allow compassion to be stirred up within
- Hold a hand, give a hug, reach out to others
- No offence
What Does Love Sound Like?
- Have you eaten?
- Call when you get there
- Here, let me help you with that
- What do you need?
- I love you
- You are special and important
- You can do this, I can help
Are We Ready To Love As God Loves?
So, if we ask the question again, what does loving others look like to you, how would we answer now? Is it time to rethink who we love and how to love, and begin to love in a way that is enough! The first step to real change is to acknowledge where we are today. We need to start by being honest about how loving we really are. How loving are we really?
Where Do We Start?
We need to start where we find ourselves today. True love is a process – it requires conscious thought and intentional action. It does not “just” happen. Pray and ask the Lord to stir up compassion within you and allow that compassion to arise. Now be intentional about practically loving those around you. Love, Serve, Seek the Will of God, Keep the Lord’s Commandments, Love without Expectation, Love those who are unlovable, Love those who may or may not love you in return.
What I Know
I do not know everything but one thing I do know is that the world needs a lot more love; not romantic, commercialized love, but real, down to earth, honest, practical, intentional, everyday love. I also know that if you ask and allow Him to work in you, the Lord will stir up a compassion in you for those around you that cannot be quenched!
Until Next Time
Well, my friend, our time is up for today. It was lovely to visit together and chat. I would love to hear from you – comment in the comment section below or contact me via the contact information below. Community is a two-way conversation 🙂
Your Turn To Comment
There are several ways to participate in the blog this week:
1) share your word for the year if you haven’t already done so,
2) talk to us about the last 2 blogs – what do you think about the 3 mindsets we talked about (fairness vs grace, looking out for oneself vs rejoicing in the prospering of others, excelling for fame, fortune or notoriety vs excelling in serving) – or comment on The Way of Community
3) how do you love others?
4) what areas of loving others do you need to work on?
5) share what you would like to chat about at this table,
6) just share!
On the website, I have posted my word for the year and my Bible Verse for the year. I am planning for some changes to the site – help me out – what would you like to see on the website? Comment in the blog section.
Also, my new Lent Devotion has just released on Amazon. It is called A Walk Through Luke for Lent. It is a daily devotional for the Lent season. You can click here to get your Paperback or Kindle version.
If you are enjoying our time together – share the blog – there are options next to the comment section for sharing on Pinterest and Facebook and through email.
Remember that you can sign up to receive these blogs directly into your email. Click here to go to the website and then on the right-hand side of the screen, partway down, click on the subscribe link and follow the instructions. Invite your friends to do so as well!
Be In Touch
I’m at the kitchen table every day; drop by anytime for a chat! You can find me on:
Email laurie@lauriehopkins.ca
Professional Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/GodsWritingDancer/
Pinterest https://www.pinterest.ca/LaurieHopkins10/
Comment section at the end of each blog
Until next time,
From my heart to yours!