Authentic Voice, Authentic Story – Why They Need to Know Who You Are And Whose You Are

Authentic Voice, Authentic Story - Why They Need to Know Who You Are And Whose You Are
Hi there my dear friend – so happy you have taken the time to drop by for a chat. Grab a seat at the table, your favourite mug with something hot in it and let’s visit. Time moves forward, slowly some days and quickly other days, and 2020 still feels unusual and most often surreal. It wasn’t really, what any of us had in mind in January when I was writing about a season of completion and trusting the process. Yet, time marches on and we find ourselves almost in the middle of this year. Before we do a mid-year review and take stock of the first half, I wanted to share one mindset shift with you. This week I would like to talk with you about Authentic Voice, Authentic Story- Why They Need To Know Who You Are And Whose You Are.
What The World Needs Now
Let’s get right to the point. If I asked you what the world needs now more than ever, what would your answer look like? I can think of many different words I might use to describe what I think the world needs, right now, in 2020, but when I try to sum it all up, I come up with two words: honesty and hope.
Why Does It Matter?
More than anything, in this season, I am amazed at the assault against the truth (honesty) and the push back against hope. We have talked a lot about mindsets since the beginning of the year and there is a good reason for that. Our mindset sets the foundation for our reactions and our behaviour. In this season, the enemy has been working on amping up the undermining of honesty and hope, in a way that I have never experienced before. We can see it but do we really understand why it matters?
Many have bought the lie that we are more honest than ever, because they have mistakenly defined “being honest” as having and exercising the right to speak what is on their mind. In reality, honesty is not about speaking freely, it is about speaking truthfully. Honesty has a heavy responsibility attached to it called truthfulness. Moreover, truth is not arbitrary. Therefore, it does not change from person to person. Therefore, honesty (truth) is not just about speaking your mind! So all those people freely “speaking their mind” believe there is more freedom to be “more honest” than ever! And the lie of the enemy becomes entrenched.
What about hope? The world appears to be in a dire situation; physically, emotionally, financially, relationally, spiritually. Many are out of work, unable to meet their basic needs, isolated at home and without their usual social supports. Meanwhile conspiracy and “what if’s” abound. The Church (corporate) has as many opinions about what is happening, as does the world. Where is the hope in all of that?
What We Have To Offer
This is the part I believe we need to be reminded of as individual Christians. We are the Church (individually). We have not only the ability but also the responsibility to shift our mindsets to ensure that our reactions and behaviour line up with the Word of God. We do not have to be swayed by the lies of the enemy because we have already been forewarned that the enemy comes to “steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10). We understand from the Word of God that honesty involves truth and that Jesus is the truth. We know that any time we are speaking “honestly” that we have a responsibility that it lines up with the Word of God. We also know that Jesus came so we could have “life, and … have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). That is hope. So what do we have to offer to the world in this season, in the middle of 2020? We have the honest and hopeful representation of Jesus. I believe there are two very important ways for us to show forth this honest and hopeful representation of Jesus, our Authentic Voice and our Authentic Story.
Authentic Voice
So what does Authentic Voice look like in our everyday lives? It is simply the fact that our Church- me looks/speaks the same as our work- me, as our home- me, as our community- me. Who we are on Sunday is the same as who we are on Wednesday. Who we are in good times is who we are in challenging times. Everything lines up. People who meet me in location A will recognize me as the same person they meet in location B. When they meet me in one situation, they will recognize me as the same person that they met in the other situation. Authentic Voice means living honestly (in truth) and consistently, who we are now while aiming for continuous growth. It is not about being perfect, but being honest about where we find ourselves in this season on our life while aiming for where the Lord has for us to go. If I am struggling, I need to be honest about it. If I have a concern, honesty is the best policy. No masks, no hidden agendas. I am what you see until I grow into something else. That is me walking in my Authentic Voice.
Authentic Story
Authentic Story is more about where we have been. Sometimes, as Christians, when God takes us from one place to another, we conveniently forget where we came from. We were so very grateful at the time for His grace, love, redemption and intervention, but over time, we have forgotten what that mess or test looked like in our own lives. The great risk in forgetting is that we can become judgemental or uncompassionate towards those who find themselves in similar situations. We look down our noses, give them the sideways glance and wonder, how did they even get there and why are they staying there? God’s gift of Jesus, Who brought us through that mess and/or test, was intentional. It was meant for a purpose. It was not just about you. It was about that person that you are looking sideways at. Your mess must become your message and your test your testimony. How will we draw others to Jesus if we portray judgement and perfection and forget where we have come from? How will they see the love, mercy, grace and redemptive power of our Saviour, if we do not tell them about how we have experienced Him? An experience will outweigh and opinion any day. It is time to share your Authentic Story.
Are You Ready To Shift?
It is Shift Season. We are being reset for a reason. The Church (individuals) need to rise up as the Body of Christ and the Temple of the Holy Spirit that they are and live in such a way that we bring honesty and truth to the people. Our Authentic Voice and our Authentic Story is the only way that others will see that we have something different and want what we have. Are you ready to shift?
What I Know!
Life can be challenging, seasons can be uncertain, the shift takes intentionality and courage and mindsets take time to mend. However, if our purpose is to bring the love and saving power of Jesus to others, then we need to decide that today is the day I will make a decision. A decision to let everyone around me see my Authentic Voice and my Authentic Story so they are clear about who I am and Whose I am. It is time to turn the world upside down!
Until Next Time
Well, my dear friend, my teacup is empty, it is a beautiful sunny day out, and I need to go and enjoy some of that warmth. I am so glad you dropped by for a chat at the table. I love your company. Remember, conversations are a two-way road, so I would love to hear from you. Drop a comment in the comment section below! Until next time, stay safe, be well, take courage, and make the decision to walk in the pathway the Lord has for you – Authenticity is your next step!
Your Turn To Comment
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Until next time,
From my heart to yours!