August 14
One Thing is Needed
And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken from her.” Luke 10:41
Monday morning
Some time off
The first thing I reach for is a paper and pen
A to do list on my mind
What needs to be accomplished in the days I have ahead of me?
And then I read Luke 10:41
And initially I read the same thing I’ve read time and time before.
Jesus reminding Martha that Mary has chosen well to sit at His feet in that moment rather than choosing to rush around with preparations and serving as Martha is doing and wishing for Mary to do as well.
And then I read it again
And two things jumped out at me
“But one thing is needed”
“Which will not be taken from her”
So only one thing is needed……..sitting at the feet of Jesus
Spending time in the presence of the Master
Spending time in the presence of the Master
Ok, got that
But then
“Which will not be taken from her”
So Jesus didn’t intend to berate Mary for not helping her sister
But rather left her sitting at His feet
Having chosen that good part
But wait a moment
What if Jesus wasn’t just referring to that moment
What if Jesus was talking about the eternal value of sitting at His feet
What if Jesus meant that He wouldn’t move Mary in that moment
But also, that the time spend at His feet could never be taken from her
That good part
And so I am reminded
I set aside the to do list for later
And linger in the Word
At the feet of Jesus
For today
First day of some much needed time of
Only one thing is needed
And today I CHOOSE that good part
For the joy of being in His presence in this moment
But also because of the eternal value
The investment now
For later