April 20 2020

Let’s Get Real – When We’ve Talked Enough

empty talk balloon- we've talked enough

Let's Get Real - When We Have Talked Enough

Hello my friend – how have you been in the last 2 weeks?  It seems like a long time since we chatted. How are things going in your world?  These are unusual times we find ourselves in for sure.  I spent a lot of time this week thinking about what we should chat about at the kitchen table this time and all I came up with was “Let’s Get Real – When We’ve Talked Enough” subtitled: “I’ve Got Nothing –When Blogs Get Real.”  So let’s start there.  You know the process, grab a cup of something in your favourite mug and pull up a seat at the table.  It is time to talk about why we need to stop talking.

When Opinions Are Just That - Opinions

As I am sure you have heard many times already in the last few weeks, we find ourselves in unusual times.  Unusual times call for unusual measures.  In the last few weeks, I have read way too many commentaries on the current state of affairs, listened to too much mainstream media, spent way too much time on Social Media and have heard too many opinions.  Many of which start or end with “what if?”  In trying to determine the most important thing I’ve learned or have come to understand through all of this “gaining of information”, I have to confess that I have not gained great wisdom or sound knowledge about why this is all happening or when it will all end.  If I could wrap up the most important thing I have come to realize in all of that, in these last few weeks, is that opinions are just that, opinions. Everyone has them and essentially, they all rely heavily on our innate biases.

Be Still And Know That I Am God

Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God.”

In the last few weeks, I have also spent much more time in the Word, in prayer, dancing and sitting with God. I talked less and I heard a lot more.  I got quiet and was amazed at how clear and consistent the sound was that came through.  Not once did I hear “what if?”  Instead of opinion, I heard truth.   I read and heard the same consistent Words that I have been reading and hearing all of my Christian life.  None of what I read or heard started or ended with “what if?” None of which changed from one day to the next. What I learned through this time was that I am no longer interested in opinions when I can have truth. That truth comes when I choose to be still and sit in God’s presence.  That means choosing to turn off many of the other noises that often are a huge distraction.

Intentional Does Not Always Mean Busy

We have been talking a lot lately about being intentional, about leaning into and participating in change, to shift in this season.  However, we need to be reminded that being intentional does not always mean you need to be busy.  You also have to be intentional in taking the time to reflect, rest and rejuvenate. 

Sometimes Words Are Not Enough

Sometimes we need to stop talking, stop sharing opinions, stop listening to every unsolicited voice out there and stop seeking the opinions of others. There are times and seasons when words are not enough; when words become a noise and a distraction.  In that time and season, we need to choose to seek to listen for the truth.  Not the opinion that comes clothed as truth, and changes from day to day, but the truth that never changes, and comes directly from the source.  We have entered a time and season of listening. Sometimes words are just not enough.

Tune In/Tune Out

This time around at the kitchen table, I have a challenge for us all.  Let us choose in the next few weeks to tune out of social and conventional media and tune into God.  We can decide to be as intentional in reflecting, resting and rejuvenating as we are with our plans “to do.”  One does not need to exclude the other.  Let’s sit and allow the Lord to speak into our lives.  Then, we can get up and move in the vein that we are being directed to. But not until we have listened.


Now, at this kitchen table, let us take a few minutes to check-in with one another.  How are you doing?  Really doing?  Not the “oh I’m fine” and move on but the “well, since you asked…..”   At this table, we are concerned about one another.  This is not a place meant for Laurie to talk and leave – this is a community, where Laurie talks to generate discussion and those at the table chime in and in the end, we care for one another more deeply.  What are you learning at this hour? I would love to hear from you!

What I Know

At the end of the day, I may not know everything, but I do know we are going to be all right.  I do not know how long this will go on or what things will look like. I do know that things will never look quite the same as they did before. However, in the end, I believe with all my heart, that each and every one of has the opportunity to come out of this with a new perspective on our lives and the lives around us.

Until Next Time

Well, my friend, it is always nice to sit with you and chat.  I hope you will take a few minutes to comment below in the comment section and let me know how you are really doing.  Also, let me know what you would like to talk about at the table! My cup is empty and it is time for me to go.  Take the time to share this blog with your friends and invite them to join us at the table.  There is always room for new friends.

Be In Touch

I am at the kitchen table every day; drop by anytime for a chat! You can find me on:

Email  laurie@lauriehopkins.ca

Professional Facebook page  https://www.facebook.com/GodsWritingDancer/

Pinterest  https://www.pinterest.ca/LaurieHopkins10/

Comment section at the end of each blog

Until next time,

From my heart to yours!



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Posted April 20, 2020 by Laurie Hopkins in category "Uncategorized


  1. By Florence Mary Rhyno on

    Hello…………….in the past couple of days I have heard or read two messages regarding the noise and opinions around us, safe to say that God is trying to tell me something!! I am not one for social media forums, but regardless I hear a lot of opinions and comments. It is certainly an uncertain time, so to find comfort and direction I do lean on God’s Word as you have so wonderfully encouraged us to do. Philippians 4: 6-7 has been my rock, especially over the past 5 years, but even more so now! This as you say is a time to be still and renew and refresh, so thanks again for this time around the table and The Word!
    Stay safe everyone,

    1. By Laurie Hopkins (Post author) on

      Hello my dear friend – I love Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. A wonderful rock to lean on. Love you!

  2. By Cathy on

    I have been “housecleaning” journals from the past 42 years!! It is a long process but very enlightening. Seeing many themes and being prompted for much reflection. I am feeling both rich and challenged. I am journaling!! Haha! I know that He has much to teach us (and in this case, remind me of) to prepare us for coming days. Praying that we do indeed listen and move in what we KNOW to be true about who He is, who He says we are, and what He empowers us to do. God bless you!

    1. By Laurie Hopkins (Post author) on

      I love going through old journals – so neat to see the common themes! I can imagine how exciting it is to go through that many years of journals and see the faithfulness of God. Hugs!


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