September 2 2020

Words Matter!

The words we think and the words we speak, MATTER!  In this online course, once a week, for 6 weeks, you will access a new “weekly declaration”, with a description of why it matters and how to use it.  You will also have access to a printable PDF of that Declaration, that you can print for yourself, and a Social Media print you can share. 

$37 CAD – one-time payment

CLICK HERE to get started!

August 31 2020

Are You Ready To Build Community?

Hello my dear friend!

I’ve been a bit absent over the last little bit – I committed this summer to enjoy the days in a different way AND I’ve been busy building us a new community in which we can get to know each other at a whole different level.

So, we have talked a lot about community over the last while. You would know by now that it is a GREAT passion of mine.  I really feel called to create, engage and grow community in this season. So, I’ve gone ahead and created our own online community for women, called Positioned For Purpose.  Are you ready to build community with me?

Looking for an online community of like-minded women?
We were NOT designed to do this alone – we were designed for relationship and therefore for community!
I am so excited to share that the time has come to launch our NEW “kitchen table” community!
We all need a kitchen table community – that group of people you can do life with on an everyday basis. You know, that group that you can cry, laugh, be silly or serious with. That group that you can check in with and ask for some help with your perspective. The people you can go to and ask for prayer for your “real” needs, not just the ones you think you will not be judged for.
Positioned For Purpose is a community of like-minded women who wish to be all that God has created them to be, to walk in His will for their lives on a daily basis and to come alongside others who desire the same in order to love, lift up, support and encourage other.
We need your unique perspective in our community!
This is a FREE Community and we NEED unique YOU at our Kitchen Table.  This is the perfect opportunity to grab your favourite hot drink in your favourite mug, pull up a chair at the kitchen table and have some real conversation. 

Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.

Helen Keller
July 20 2020

The Way Of Community Revisitied


The Way Of Community

Hello my dear friend, welcome back to the table!  It has been a few weeks since we have chatted together – the times have been unusual but I want you to know that this table is a consistent and welcoming place. This week at the table, I want to revisit an earlier blog on The Way of Community. Grab your mug and a drink and pull up your seat at the table.  If this is your first time with us, do not worry, there is room for everyone here.

The Way Of Community Revisited

The whole point of this blog has been to build community- to create a kitchen table where there is room for all who are want to join us, to sit together, to chat together, to grow together.  In the season we find ourselves us, in times of social distancing and periods of isolation, I believe that community is more important than ever. And because of the need I see for community, I want, once again, to take the time to encourage an understanding of the importance of community in this season.

The Why Of Community

Why this focus on community?  Why do all these blogs seem to lead back to this one concept? I believe that we have lost our way.  I believe our society has become self-sufficient and self-focused.  Because many of us have the means to be our own support and encouragement, our focus and our peer group have become narrowed.  Self-sufficiency tells us that we do not require many people with little pieces of the puzzle, to come together and help make up the bigger picture of our lives.  Instead, it tells us that not only do we get to decide on what the picture looks like ourselves, but we also are able and should build it ourselves.  I’m here to come against this lie of the enemy that we have taken on as the truth in our lives and has caused us to become a group of individuals “doing our own thing” together in the world, rather than a collection of communities seeking to connect with one another. We were created for relationship – we were built for community.  We were never meant for a self-sufficient and self-focused life.

The What Of Community

What is a community? It is important to note that a community is not just a group of individuals that continue living life in a self-sufficient manner, together.  Nor is community connecting with others, just to further our own agenda. Rather, community involves living life together, sharing our time, resources, giftings and energy with one another for the benefit, not only of ourselves, but also of those around us.  Communities can be small or large. We can be a part of a few communities or many communities.  Community groups can overlap with one another.

The Who Of Community

We can live in community with a variety of people, in a variety of combinations over a varied span of time.  However, community is not all about similar people with the same idea and thoughts and goals, gathering together to further their own agenda.  True community may begin with similar people, with the same ideas and thoughts and goals, but must not stop there.  True community aims to reach out to those around us, offering up what we have, to improve the quality of life of those around us. Community flourishes when we become a group of varied people with varied ideas and interests, giftings and resources to share – while working toward a similar vision.

The When Of Community

Community is an everyday event.  It is not meant just for special occasions or when we need to get something done.  If we could just grasp that our everyday lives are enhanced by the connections we have with others, we would be better able to understand that community is not a question of when – real community happens all the time.

The Where Of Community

Community happens wherever people are together.  It can happen in your living room, your backyard, over coffee, at work, in the large community, in the church, in schools, in the grocery store, on the street or online.  Community is about connection and connection can happen anywhere you have people who are open and willing to engage with those around them.

The How Of Community

Community does not just happen.  The building of community is an intentional process.  Especially in a society where the concept of self-sufficiency has taken such a solid hold.  We have to want to be part of a community.  We have to reach out to those around us and encourage community.  It is an active process; it does not just happen on its own. It requires some courage, moving outside of your own box and comfort zone and a large dose of authentic living.

Community Is The Answer

Community is a large part of the answer to the many questions we have today.  If we are willing to be real with ourselves and real with those around us, we would be quick to admit that self-sufficiency is a lonely way to live.  The willingness to live an authentic life is the first step to building community.  When we begin to be real with one another and ourselves, when the masks come off and we begin to reach out our hand to those around us, for help and to assist, true community will begin to form.  As it forms, we will need to become intentional about encouraging its growth.  Building community requires some effort but the joy that comes from living/engaging in a true and flourishing community, far outweighs any effort we will ever put in. 

What I Know

In this season, I have been called, with a renewed sense of urgency, to encourage the building of community. That means a new level of walking in authenticity and committing to continual growth in my own spiritual walk. In the coming weeks, I will be launching an online community – a community of those who wish to come together, to learn how to be authentic together, to grow together and to reach out and draw in others who long to be part of a community.  This is not just any community.  This will not be a community of bystanders, it will be a community where everyone will be encouraged to participate.  A community where we commit to being intentional in our Christian walk.  A community where we seek the Lord for direction and clarity around where we are and where we are headed.  It will be a community that seeks not only to benefit those who are involved, but that will commit to expanding our reach to touch the lives of those around us for the glory of God.  Watch this space, for more information in coming weeks – about what this community looks like and how to get involved.

Until Next Time

Well, my friend, our time at the table is over for the moment.  This week I want you to begin thinking about community- what it looks like to you, what you need to be doing in our own life to prepare for participating in community and what God would have you doing in community in this season.  As always, I love to hear from you – be in touch and let me know your thoughts on community!

Your Turn To Comment

You can comment directly under the blog in the blog section.  We, at the table, would love to hear from you. 

Be In Touch

I am at the kitchen table every day; drop by anytime for a chat! You can find me on:


Professional Facebook page


Until next time,

From my heart to yours!
