September 23 2019

Endings and New Beginnings and Everything in Between

broken tiles, seedling poking up

Endings And New Beginnings And Everything In Between

It has been a challenging few weeks on this end.  I’m happy to be back at the table with a cup of tea in my current favourite mug and some time to sit together and chat!  Today I thought we would chat about Endings and New Beginnings and Everything in Between.  You know the drill; grab your mug and your hot drink and let’s take a few minutes to encourage one another.

Clenched Fists

woman in sunset with clenched fist

Things end.  It is a fact of life. Next to things changing, things ending is probably one of the most fought against experiences we encounter.   Although we long for adventure and new journeys and all the opportunities that are out there for us; we often cling tightly to what we already have.  And in clinging tightly, our hands our preoccupied and we are unable to reach for that which is to come next. Clenched fists don’t allow for reaching out or reaching forward.

Unfurl Those Hands

On Dec 26th, 2013 I wrote a blog called: Unfurl Those Hands. This is an excerpt:

 I have read in various places recently about unfurling our clenched hands……grace comes, but you must release that protective posture of clenched fists, unfurl those fingers and release that palm:


– release it to open and receive grace

– release it to reach out to another and lift them up

– release it to rise up and praise the Creator

– release it to open up your body, spirit and mind to the possibilities of truly living


Not existence, not surviving, but radical, arms and hands open wide, twirling barefoot in the grass, head back, abandoned laughter, don’t care who is looking, kind of living


We live in a clenched world.  Look around, listen to the news, listen to the radio, and listen to the conversations that float around you – the world is an uncertain place; wars, harm, crime, illness, the unexpected, the unprepared.  Underneath the masks of money and prosperity and “I’m OK” lies of North America, lies the dust of uncertainty.  Am I safe, am I enough, what will tomorrow bring, what will the next 5 minutes bring, am I ready?


And so we protect ourselves; from others, from ourselves – from outside harm, from the harm that comes with self-doubt and guilt. And we begin to curl inwards.  We self-protect.  First, our hands become fisted – then our minds and spirits and even our physical bodies began to curl inward, taking up less space so as not to be noticed and therefore not a target. Fetal position – curled – protecting what we have so no one can take it away.


But in the process we become small.  Physically we expose less of ourselves to the outside world.  Then we began to close off our minds to the things around us.  We bubble wrap our thoughts and beliefs and then our spirits begin to shrivel.  And we are no longer living.  We are only existing; surviving the day and the night to start all over again the next day.  We are not living the arms and hand open wide, twirling barefoot in the grass, head back, abandoned laughter, don’t care who is looking, kind of life.  Instead we are managing. The one foot in front of the other, one day at a time, I’m doing “OK” kind of life.

unfurled hands

I Believe

I believe what I wrote about in 2013 is even truer today.  We are a society that lives with clenched fists. Mostly unintentionally, but clenched nonetheless.

More and more I’ve come to understand that clenched fists makes us small; small thinking, small presence, small impact.

When it comes to endings, we often find ourselves holding on tightly to that which has run its course and needs to end.

Not Easy But Necessary

Are endings easy?  No

Are endings necessary? Yes

 Sometimes we have to let go of one thing to be open to the next thing.  Sometimes we have to allow one door to close so the other door will swing open.  Trying to prop open both doors at the same time leaves us unbalanced, literally and figuratively.

two doors, red and blue - unbalanced

What I Know

So what is the answer?  Even more, today, than I thought back in 2013, I believe that a commitment to “radical, arms and hands open wide, twirling barefoot in the grass, head back, abandoned laughter, don’t care who is looking, kind of living” is necessary.


Unfurled hands allow for opportunities. Unfurled hands allow grace to come in and fill up the empty spaces.

Some days in our wide-open living we will FEEL the grace ourselves.  

Some day in our wide-open living the grace will be released for those around us.


Will it allows be easy? No.

Will it be worth it?  Yes.

Will we understand it at the time? Kind of.

Will we grow to understand it more fully? Absolutely!

This Week!

young girl dancing in field with hands above head

This week I choose to “move radically, with my arms and hands open wide, twirling barefoot in the grass, head back, with abandoned laughter and don’t care who is looking, kind of living” into an ending.  I will not clench my fists and hold on to the season that is over.  I will be grateful for what has been, while slowly opening my hands to let it go. I will unfurl my hands, allowing grace for myself and those around me.  I will allow this door to close so the next one can open.  I will walk gracefully and with confidence towards the next new beginning.

Until Next Time

empty cup

Well, it is that time again.  An ending of sorts,  all in itself.  

This week, think a bit more about endings.  What endings are you in the middle of?  Will you choose to unfurl those hands?  Will you choose “arms and hands open wide, twirling barefoot in the grass, head back, with abandoned laughter and don’t care who is looking,  kind of living”?

I Would Love to Hear From You

talk balloon - share, encourage

Drop a note in the comments section below.  I would love to hear from you!  Be in touch and share your experience with endings and beginnings and everything in between.  Let’s take this space and make it a place to share and encourage one another.


If you are interested in more Devotional reading, head over to my Facebook Page where you will find a Weekly Devotion early every Monday morning. Click here to go directly to Weekly Devotions with Laurie.

Until next time,

From my heart to yours!



September 2 2019

Why You Need To Take Courage When You Know The Shift Is Coming

courage, shift

Why You Need To Take Courage When You Know The Shift Is Coming

There are days when we know that we know that we know that things are on the cusp of changing.  In my experience, those can be the longest, most trying days.  Today, let’s spend some time and chat about why you need to take courage when you know the shift is coming.


Checking In

How are things with you?  I wish we were closer so we sit and have a cup of tea together and have a chat. But since we are not, why don’t you grab a cup of something warm and comfortable in your favorite mug, and we can chat this way. Go ahead; take a few minutes for you.  I’ll wait right here for you!  You’ll feel refreshed and ready to go again when we are done!

Change vs Shift

dynamic, courage, shift

Sometimes you just know there is a change coming.  It may be a change you are excited for; or perhaps a change that you are not really looking forward to. Regardless of your disposition toward it, change can be challenging. One Merriam Webster definition of change is: to make a shift from one to another. (Merriam-Webster, 2019, retrieved from I like that word, shift.  It is, to me, a more active and dynamic word than change.  When I think of change I think of something that is happening to me, with or without my agreement and/or effort. A shift, however, leads me to think of something that is going to require effort on my part and, ultimately, is going to lead to growth. It generally requires digging deep for and/or developing a whole new set of skills. Shifts take us out of our comfort zone.  They require that we move and think in a different way.  And if we lean into the shift, we will meet the possibility of revolutionary change in our lives. We can decide if those things that are moving in our lives are changes or shifts.  Will we let it happen to us or will we be playing an active role?  Change vs. Shift! 

How long, O LORD?!

Sometimes we know we are on the cusp of a shift.  We can sense it.  We can see it coming.  But the time has been long and although we know it is near, we can’t determine exactly when or how it will come.  We grow weary and a bit frustrated in the waiting; the going through. David in Psalm 13:1 cries out, “How long, O LORD?”  He knows he has been anointed King, but he is still running from his enemies.  He knows the shift is coming.  How often have you cried out, “How long, O LORD?” as you see the shift in the distance?

The Courage Of Waiting For The Shift


So what happens when we are on the cusp of the shift, crying out “how long?”

What happens when the weariness and the frustration kick in and threaten to distract us and throw us off track?  That is the time for courage.  Merriam-Webster defines courage as mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty (Merriam-Webster, 2019, retrieved from 


Courage Defined

Courage, like shift, is an active word.  It requires us to “venture” which means to proceed especially in the face of danger. (Merriam-Webster, 2019, retrieved from

It requires that we dig in and find our mental and moral strength and then push ahead towards the shift, even in the midst of the danger, fear or difficulty we are encountering.


Courage requires that we make a decision to stay the course.  We know the shift is coming.  We know that we know that we know.  Now we need to commit to staying the course.

Final Push Courage

last push courage- shift

There is courage and then there is “final push” courage.  Courage is what allows you to stay the course through the change and through the shift.  “Final push” courage is that courage that allows you to lean in, lean forward and give it your all at that point when you feel like you have nothing left to give.  When you have been moving toward the shift for some time and you know you are on the cusp, but you can’t quite see it because of the weariness that clouds your vision and you can’t hear it coming through your own cries of “How long, O LORD?”. But, you know that you know that you know, without a shadow of a doubt that you have come this far and you are going to go the distance. This is “final push” courage. It is the courage that mothers have as they are about to deliver their baby.  Long-distance runners and athletes dig in and find this kind of courage when the finish line is close enough to almost touch. And we, every day we, find this courage when we are weary and frustrated but know that we have come too far to give up now and miss out on the shift.

What I Know

You've Got This

Are you on the cusp of a shift today?  Can you see it, wavy like a mirage in the heat of the desert sun? I can’t tell you how to make it come more quickly.  And I can’t tell you how to make it easier.  But I can tell you that you’ve got this.  You are full of courage.  You’ve come this far, engaged in the change and moved toward this shift.  You have been practicing your courage.   And that tells me that you have “push courage” deep down inside of you. Now, you just have to reach in, a little deeper, a little deeper still, and pull it out.  Make up your mind on this one – you have come too far and you are not going to stop now.  I believe in you! 

Until Next Time

Well, it is that time again.  My cup is empty and I know you have to get back to the things you were doing.  I’m so glad you sat with me for a bit and that we had this little chat!  I so enjoy our times together.

This week, dig a little deeper.  I know it is hard.  I understand that you are weary and frustrated.  I also know that the shift is coming and when it comes it will take you to levels and places that you never dreamed of!  I’ll be your cheerleading squad on this end, pointing you toward that finish line and reminding you of the importance of finishing strong.  “Push courage” is not for the faint of heart.  It is for those who have chosen to shift rather than just change. 

I Would Love To Hear From You!

lean in, hold on, encourage one another

Drop a note in the comments section below.  I would love to hear from you!  Be in touch and share your experience with change and shifting.  Let’s take this space and make it a place to share and encourage one another to lean in and find our “push courage”!


If you are interested in more Devotional reading, head over to my Facebook Page where you will find a Weekly Devotion early every Monday morning. Click here to go directly to Weekly Devotions with Laurie.

Until next time,

From my heart to yours!



August 19 2019

I’m Stuck, You’re Stuck, We’re All Stuck – Why We Feel There is More Than This and What We Can Do About It

i'm stuck, you're stuck

I’m Stuck, You’re Stuck, We’re All Stuck – Why We Feel There is More Than This and What We Can Do About It

A few weeks ago we talked about murmuring and its ability to keep us stuck making paths around the same old mountains, learning the same old lessons. Some of us read that and thought, “oh, that’s interesting, but it doesn’t really apply to me.”  But if we were to be really honest with ourselves and with those around us, we would say, “I’m Stuck, You’re Stuck, We’re All Stuck! This week I would love for us to chat about “why we feel there is more than this and what we can do about it!

Checking In

drop a note

How are you doing?  Really, how are you doing?  Not the pat answer, “oh, I’m OK.”  But the real, open up and tell me your thoughts, answer. I would love to hear from you and how you are doing with the life issues we are chatting about.  Drop a note below or connect with me by email by clicking here. The last few weeks have been a real eye-opener for me. I love when I sit down and share with others because I always find it is for me first! Are you a murmurer?  I am.  There is no shame in that. At least I’m aware of it and because I am aware of it, I can begin to make a shift.  Hang in there, change takes time.  Don’t get discouraged, tomorrow is always a new day!

Stuck Defined

stuck - brick wall

Merriam Webster has a Kids Dictionary (let’s keep it straightforward).  So I plugged in the word “stuck” and this is what I got:

  • to put in a specified place or position
  • to remain in a place, situation, or environment
  • to halt the movement or action of
  • to burden with something unpleasant
  • to cling or cause to cling
  • to become blocked or jammed

Merriam Webster (2019). Retrieved from:

Well, I don’t know about you, but when I talk about feeling stuck, this is exactly how I feel; placed, remaining, halted, baffled, burdened, clingy and blocked.  What other words or phrases would you use to describe the feeling of being stuck?

How Can You Feel Stuck When You Are Moving?

But, you say, I get up every day and take care of the day to day things, get to work, make supper, sometimes even meet with my friends for tea.  Am I really stuck if I’m still moving?  The question is not so much about how much you are moving; we have a tremendous ability to push through and keep moving in spite of how we feel and the circumstances we find ourselves in.  Rather, the question is more about how are we feel about moving. My experience of feeling stuck is not so much about how much I am or am not moving, but rather about the thoughts that come; “there has to be more than this.” Or even more so, the thought “I am more than this.”

lots of activity but no movement - stuck

There Has To Be More Than This – (I’m Tired Of Running In Place)

There is an old saying about worry being like a rocking chair, lots of motion but not getting anywhere.  Being stuck is similar to sitting in a rocking chair.  We feel like we are moving and moving fast, but at the end of the day when we evaluate our progress, we see that we haven’t made much if any, headway.  I don’t know about you, but I’m weary of this feeling of running in place.  There has to be more than this!

I Am More Than This (Stuck Is A Mindset)

Further to this last thought, being stuck for long periods of time begins to do a job on our self-esteem.  We begin to feel unable and unproductive and over time, we move from not just feeling there has to be more than this, but it becomes personal; I am more than this! Stuck is a mindset and mindsets are personal.  They impact the very way we see ourselves, which over time impacts the way others see us and respond to us as well.

What Keeps Us Stuck? (Thought Life and In-Authenticity)

So why are we so stuck?  Why this feeling of “there is” , “I am” more?  Let’s look at 4 things that keep us stuck:


1) Our thought life – as we think, so we are (Proverbs 23:7).  We often don’t realize the importance or necessity of keeping a tight rein on our thought life; so we allow it to wander where it will. But our thought life determines our direction.  If we are entertaining negative, destructive, or self-defeating thoughts in our mind, that will result in like-minded actions in our life; the self-fulfilling prophecy.

2) In-authenticity – cognitive dissonance happens when we act in a way that is contrary to what we believe.  How many of us spend a large portion of our time creating a beautiful and complicated facade to present to the world around us; carefully protected the real bits and pieces of who we are from the judgment of ourselves and others?  We can’t move forward because we are using up our time and energy creating that which runs opposite to what we truly are.  We find ourselves stuck in the dance of “how do you like me now?”

What Keeps Us Stuck? (Fear And Unintentional Living)

3) Fear – fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the unknown, fear of what others will think.  So many fears that can keep us paralyzed on all fronts.  Fear causes a lack of forward movement.  And stuck happens!

4) Not living intentionally – unintentional living brings us back to that rocking chair.  We are busy, moving quickly, but because we don’t know where we are heading, we never feel like we are arriving.  If you don’t know where you want to go, how will you ever know when you get there?

So What’s The Antidote To Stuck? (As Individuals)

1) Get control of those thoughts – “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” NKJV Search Results for “renewing” AND “of” AND “your” AND “mind”. Retrieved from


2) Be the real you – “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” NKJV Search Results for “fearfully” AND “and” AND “wonderfully” AND “made”. Retrieved from


3) Do it afraid – “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” NKJV Search Results for “do” AND “not” AND “fear”. Retrieved from

“I can do all things through Christ  who strengthens me.” NKJV Search Results for “i” AND “can” AND “do” AND “all” AND “things”. Retrieved from


4) Make a plan –“ The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD” NKJV Search Results for “the” AND “steps” AND “of” AND “a” AND “good” AND “man” AND “are” AND “ordered”. Retrieved from

So What’s The Antidote To Stuck? (As Community)

we in large letters - community, share, encourage

1) Encourage someone else – know that if you are feeling stuck, others around you are feeling stuck.  Actively reach out and check on those around you.  Find out where they are, where they want to go and how you can be an encouragement to them on that journey.

2) Let others be the real them – you will begin to find freedom in being the real you when you begin to let others be their real selves.  Expectations breed expectations.  The search for real can begin with you.

3) Find your tribe – there is a group out there for all of us;  a small or large group of people with whom we identify and with whom we feel able to be genuinely us.  Go out and find your tribe. 

4) Share your stories – unity and community will be built as we discover who we really are, live who we really are, and are honest with ourselves and others about our stories.  Sharing creates connection.  Connections lead to encouragement.  Encouragement encourages forward momentum.

What I Know

forward momentum

I know that we are not alone in our feelings of being stuck.  Somehow, I know that I’m stuck, you’re stuck, we’re all stuck! I also know that we feel like there is more than this because there is more than this. 

We need to start by admitting where we are and then move on to consciously deciding where we want to be.  In between we need to live real and build unity and community by sharing our stories and encouraging one another.

In doing this we will be able to trade in the rocking chair for something that will not just occupy our time and keep us moving, but will actually begin to take us somewhere!

Until Next Time

Well, it is that time again. The bit of tea that is left in my cup has grown cold.  I so cherish our time together and I hope that you do as well.


I would love to hear from you. Are you feeling stuck?  What would you like to do about it?  How can I, or others around you, encourage you to trade that rocking chair for something that will allow for forward momentum? Drop me some notes below in the comments section!


If you are getting something out of our conversations and know others who would like to join us, share the blog using the email, Facebook or Pinterest buttons directly below the blog!  The more the merrier!


If you are interested in more Devotional reading, head over to my Facebook Page where you will find a Weekly Devotion early every Monday morning. Click here to go directly to my Facebook Page. 

Until next time,

From my heart to yours!

