And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
Another Thursday morning
Where does the time go?
The week just started moments ago
And now, 3/4 of the way through.
Being a bit task/list oriented
I tend to see the week in terms of “things done vs. things left to do”
I’m working on that 🙂
But in the meantime
Thursday is a reflective day
The week is past the halfway mark
Now what?
I love Thursday morning because I’m not rushed
And can spend some luxurious time in the Word.
This morning I was in Romans.
I started with making note of Romans 4:20
He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.
Reading on, I then noted Romans 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
And then, taking my time, I came upon Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
And there I paused.
As I believe many would
And reflected…….
What exactly does this mean?
The world appears to be out of control
There is a shaking going on!
2017 has been a tough year all the way around
So many things going on that cause our hearts to ache and grieve.
But the Word tells me this:
“all things” work together for good
So I sat and listened
Dug out my concordance and starting reading
In looking at the original Greek, this is how it breaks down:
“we know” eido (have knowledge of)
“All things” pas (all manner of )
“work together for good” synergeo (cooperate, work together)
eis (to or into – of place, time or purpose)
agathos (good, good things)
“to those who love God” agapao (love in a social or moral sense)
theos (God)
“called according to His purpose” kletus (appointed, saint)
prothesis (setting forth, proposal, exposed before God, as the show-bread in the temple)
So, let’s write it out again:
We have knowledge that all manner of things are in synergy (cooperate, work together) into good things (of place, time, or purpose) to those who love God, appointed (saints) for a purpose, to be set forth (like a proposal; exposed before God like the show-bread in the temple -like set on display in a place of honour).
Less is not always better
I like MORE words
The Word is very clear that ALL MANNER OF THINGS
Work together (are in synergy)
To become good things (of place, time or purpose)
Which is a way of saying “all things” again
So all manner of things work into good things of all kind.
For who?
Who does this apply to?
Who can claim this promise?
Those who love God (the saints of God).
And we know that saints are
Appointed for a purpose
Which is set forth
Exposed before God (displayed in a place of honour).
So, today
I understand
That the promise is for me
That all manner of things (of place, time or purpose)
Will be brought together for good in my life
As what God has appointed and purposed me in is set/displayed in a place of honour.
The Word never says that all things are good,
That all things will be brought together for good
Woven in a grand design
On my behalf
In my life.
What a WORD for a Thursday morning!
Are you a saint of God?
If not, then this is the day!
Jesus is calling
Calling for you to surrender your life to Him.
Romans 10:9 tells us:
That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
And in being saved you will begin a most incredible walk/journey in relationship with Jesus.
One you will never regret.
Happy Thursday!!!!