April 13 2019

about me

This Is Abundant Life

Hi there!

So happy you have stopped by. If you were a little closer we
could sit with a nice mug of something hot and get to know each other. 

But since that won’t work, let’s do the next best thing and have a chat! Let me start by telling you a bit about myself. 

My name is Laurie Hopkins and I live in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada with my husband John and my kitty cat Nico.  I am
an RN by profession and am currently in Education. 

I love Jesus!  I am
into relationship not religion and seek to develop an intimate relationship with Jesus, so that I can, in turn, love others the way He loves them.

Writing and teaching/facilitating are my biggest passions.  I also love to travel, camp, and get outside. Being a true Cape Breton’er,  there is nothing I enjoy more than a good cup of tea, a nice mug, a kitchen table and a good chat with friends and family. 

I like things neat, tidy and organized (not that they always are),
but I like them that way.  There is nothing more satisfying than a solid “to do” list, especially if it is partially checked off! 

I have a lifetime of experience with chronic depression and anxiety and understand the feeling of being “stuck” in my life.  I have often felt like the years were passing by quickly and I wasn’t able to accomplish many of the goals I had for my life. For a time I stopped dreaming because of the disappointment of feeling chronically unmotivated, related to my chronic health issues and my inability
to follow through on the things I wanted to regardless of much I tried.

Through mentoring by strong woman of faith, a new focus on
quality vs quantity in my life, and my own relationship with Jesus I have
learned to “dance in the valley.”  I have
learned that abundant life is possible in the midst.  This became a reasonable expectation in my  life through a process of seeking to live authentically; discovering who I really
am, learning to love who I am, being real about who I am and making a commitment to continuous personal growth.

I am driven by nature, am once again able to dream freely
about what I want to be “when I grow up”, and love to try new creative things. Although I am quiet, there is a fierceness within me that has helped to bring me this far.

I am passionate about modeling purity of worship through the ministry of dance – I enter in, lead others behind the veil, and bring down deliverance and freedom through the anointing that breaks the yoke.

I am passionate about coming alongside women who know there is “just more than this”, who want to feel like they are living to their full potential (big dreams and all) and who are looking for a mentor who will listen without judgment, validate their dreams and encourage them in walking out those dreams through a process of learning to live courageously from a place of authenticity and abundance.

I will believe for you until you are able to believe for yourself!

Does any of this resonate with you?  I am a storyteller at heart and therefore I also love to listen to the stories of others. I would love to hear your story!  You can be in touch with me through Email or Facebook. You can also find me on Pinterest.  Be in touch, share your story!  Let’s connect and get you started on a pathway to authenticity and abundance!

I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. Jesus (John 10:10)

The journey of a
thousand miles begins with one step. Lao Tz