January 1 2021

A New Year, A New Mindset


Welcome to 2021! What if we started the new year with a new way of thinking? What if we threw out our old mindset and made a switch? What if we made a choice to think differently and to behave differently? What if?


Today is not only a new day but also the beginning of a brand new year. A year we have not yet encountered or experienced. You woke up in the land of the living this morning – that in itself is a gift and an opportunity. What if, this morning, as you stood to your feet, you lifted up your hands and your voice toward the Lord and thanked Him, sincerely thanked Him for where He has brought you from and what He has brought you too? What if you did that every morning?


What if, you made a decision to paint a new picture this year? What if, you decided to operate from a new perspective? What if, you choose to live by truth rather than by feelings? What if, you made a decision to really prioritize your life so that your relationship with your Creator was at the VERY top? What if, you made up in your mind to stop running hard after things that are temporal and began running hard after things that are eternal?


Perspective is everything. Mindset supports your perspective! What you believe forms the picture of your life that you will live out in 2021.


What does that picture look like this year?


Take the time today to sit with the Father. Sit quietly and really listen to His heart for you and for those around you and for that outside of your direct sphere of influence. What does He have to share with you on this, the first day of a brand new year, the first day of a brand new opportunity?


And then, start loading that new mindset.


And then, go out and start living all that 2021 has!


A year, in and of itself, should not and need not dictate how we feel, function or operate. A year should and be under the control of the mindset we possess.


What mindset do you possess?


How is that working for you?


What do you plan to do about it?


It starts in your mind!


“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12: 1-2

Copyright 2025. All rights reserved.

Posted January 1, 2021 by Laurie Hopkins in category "Uncategorized


  1. By karen ramsay on

    Good morning Laurie and thank you for sharing.
    Happy New Year! It always amazes me how the Lord speaks a word to me and re-enforces it several times so that I receive it. I have been hearing Him speak to me for several months “ focus on the good, have a grateful heart, give thanks in all things…. reading your blog today has helped me to plant this message in my heart ❤️

    1. By Laurie Hopkins (Post author) on

      Good Morning Karen and Happy New Year! You are right, it is so wonderful when the Lord speaks to us several times in different ways about the same thing! He is so faithful.


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