What Have You Done For YOU Lately?
What Have You Done for YOU Lately?
When I was thinking about jumping on the blog to say hi and wondering what we could chat about today, the word EXPECTATION came to mind. I have been learning a lot about expectations lately – the expectations I have of others and more importantly, the expectations I have of myself.
What do you think about when you hear the word EXPECTATION?
The difficulty with expectations is that someone always gets disappointed. Others are not clear about the expectations we have of them and we are not clear about the expectations they have of us. Often our expectations are not realistic. Even more often, our expectations of others and ourselves do not match up with what we REALLY want or need.
When I think of the word EXPECTATION, the phrase, “What have you done for me lately?” comes to mind. Have you ever thought this about someone else or heard that question (directly or indirectly) from someone who had expectations of you?
Today I want to speak specifically to those of us who get caught up believing that we need to meet the needs of everyone else first.
Today I want to ask, “What have you done for YOU lately?”
Society talks a lot about self-care. Self-care, in the way it is often presented, brings up images of bubble baths and chocolate. I want to tell you that self-care is WAY bigger than that.
I am not saying it cannot include bubble baths and chocolate, but self-care also includes pressing in and making a conscious decision to do the hard thing.
Self-care is committing to moving your body everyday – getting outside and getting 15 minutes of fresh air –choosing to fuel your body with nutritious food, rather than always reaching for the “comfort food”- and getting enough sleep.
Self-care is committing to opening up your Bible or your devotional book every day and spending time listening to what the Lord has to say to you.
Self-care is committing to taking time for you- having the half hour nap, sitting with that book you have been waiting to read, or taking a cue from the kitty cat and just sitting quietly in the sunbeam that is currently coming in your living room window.
Self-care is taking the time to find the things that you enjoy – the things that fill your cup and replenish you. Is it art, crafts, music, activity, time with friends, time alone, challenging your brain with puzzles and problem solving activities, being outside, being inside, giving, serving, excepting help from others. Then doing those things regularly.
Self-care is making the phone call, clearing up the misunderstanding, choosing to forgive, or choosing to let go.
Self-care is making time. Making time to care for some of your own needs. Making time to allow Jesus to care for those needs that only He can care for. Stepping back and letting others learn to care for some of those needs that they need to be caring for themselves, looking to Jesus to care for or allowing someone other than you to care for.
What have you done for YOU lately?
This does not and should not be difficult or arduous – we make it difficult by making it complicated.
It does not mean you cannot have the cookie when you are hungry- but you if you had a couple of apples and some cheese already cut up in the fridge, when you got hungry and were strapped for time, you could reach for that as well as the cookie – so the cookie stays at one instead of 5.
You do not have to get a gym membership or join a workout program. But, if you stepped out into the fresh air for 15 minute every day and just moved your body you would notice a difference over time.
You do not have to commit to reading the Bible in a year. But, if you sit with Jesus for a few minutes each day, read His word, and listen to His voice, as you develop that relationship, you will want more and more.
Have a nap, read a book, crochet, sit and close your eyes and enjoy the sunbeam.
Something else will have to be left undone. Yes, undone. That is the whole point.
If we were ALL doing this – meeting some of our own needs and looking to Jesus to meet our needs, then we would not have others clamouring for our attention all the time and we would not be clamouring for their attention. The balance would come.
In the meantime, you will learn to look away from the dishes that are still in the sink and the dust on the mantle and clothes that are still not folded. You will learn to say to the voices clamouring for your attention – “I’ll be back in half an hour –I just need a few minutes.” They will survive, you will survive, and we will all learn.
Our expectations will change – slowly, overtime.
What have you done for YOU lately?
It is the beginning of a new week – are you ready to choose a new way of thinking?
Pop in the comments and tell me how you are doing- what types of things you are doing for yourself today and the challenges to making that shift in the way you think and do. I always love to hear from you!
I am off to sit in the sunbeam with Nico the kitty cat!
Tags: committ, Expectations, fuel your body, Jesus, move your body, nap, Nico Kitty Cat, self-care, Sunbeams, the hard thing, YOU
Copyright 2025. All rights reserved.
So insightful……I am that person that try’s to meet the needs of my family and friends,which I know is an impossible task and your writing has reinforced for me today! I am going to try to take some of this sage advice and apply to ME. I think we all know what we need to do but in this bizarre world we live in we easily forget…..so thank you so much for the loving reminder.
Hi Flo,
For some reason there was a glitch in my site and i didn’t see the last few comments until today – sorry for the delay. We all need a reminder now and then about investing in ourselves. You have the kindest heart and I know you want to see all your family and friends doing well and well supported. DOn’t forget though, Jesus has His eyes on you as well! Love and miss you so much!
Hi, I am in the 2nd week of spending time with Jesus every morning…praises, prayer, meditation on the Word. I had so fallen away over the last few years. My Moms care- she has dementia and now is in long term care. My husband and I have 7 children and 15 grandchildren. I am involved in my church fellowship as a deacon and small group leader.
In November my daughter’s family moved from Ottawa back to NS- only 20 minutes away. They have 7 chicken aged
13- 6 months. She homeschools. We also have siblings and my 94 year old mother in law who requires assistance with appointments, bills etc.
Guessing you get the picture Laurie ☺️
I am being so blessed spending time with my Jesus. Now to add outside time every day . Self care is a very rough thing when one has many, many people in their circle of life. It’s hard work and there are people who do not take kindly to it.
So nice to hear from you Karen – and you are correct, self care is hard. I have been talking with my adult students about self care lately and one of the women said to the group, “Self care is doing the hard stuff”. That spoke to me. It isn’t all about bubble baths and chocolate, but sometimes making the harder decisions to sit with Jesus quietly and listen or get outside for a walk. You have MUCH on your plate and I am sure your family appreciates all that you do – just remember to invest in you as well! Sending hugs