July 15 2013

Making Time for Life

 Flip flop wreaths – what fun!

Sometimes you just have to make time for life.  Real life.  Living. Not everyday, go to work, come home, do housework, get ready for the next day, go to bed.  We get so caught up in the wrong things – not that those things are wrong in themselves but when we become entrenched in our routines, just because and stop enjoying the life that we are called to live…….

So, my answer………make a flip flop wreath.  Who wouldn’t want one? 

My lovely sister Kerry and Kinnon, our baby brother’s lovely “gurler” friend (as Jakey would have called her) were game to make flip flop wreaths.

And so, last Thursday, despite it being the longest teaching day of the week – we all came home from work, packed up our craft supplies and sat at my kitchen table for the evening.

We allowed our creative minds to breath and caught up on each others lives – new jobs and children and summer plans – and made flip flop wreaths.

We were amazed to see how each wreath turned out so completely unique and yet lovely at the same time.

Thank you ladies for reminding me to make time for life – real life.

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Posted July 15, 2013 by Laurie Hopkins in category "Uncategorized

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